Payment Processors in Odoo
Payvalida y PAYU
11 March, 2020 by
Payment Processors in Odoo
Camilo Puentes Iregui

Odoo ERP has been revolutionizing companies with E-Commerce strategies. Odoo in Colombia and the Latin American market has wanted to include in its latest version 13 the payment gateway with PAYU in order to integrate an end-to-end E-commerce solution in a standard way. With Odoo Enterprise version 13 you can now have an E-Commerce integrated with PayU so you can take advantage of the full potential of Odoo ERP. By configuring a native E-Commerce in Odoo you can integrate business processes such as real time inventory, accounting and invoice creation of sales through E-Commerce and keep statistics of your best-selling products. In addition to the E-Commerce functionalities integrated in real time with Inventory, Sales, and Accounting you can also take advantage of having PAYU and Payvalida for payment of Quotes sent from the sales module or for payment of recurring invoices sent automatically by the Odoo subscriptions application. 
We invite you to review this short Demo to see how an integrated payment gateway works in Odoo and how it automates E-Commerce processes, invoice payment and online quote payment.  

Te invitamos a revisar este Demo corto para que veas el funcionamiento de una pasarela de pagos integrada en Odoo y como automatiza procesos de E-Commerce, pago de facturas y pago de cotizaciones en linea. 

Dejanos saber si necesitas este tipo de soluciones y asesorete con Sakya Consulting, partner Silver Odoo en Colombia. 

Payment Processors in Odoo
Camilo Puentes Iregui 11 March, 2020
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